

Innovation and Sustainability Drive Growth in the EU Blue Economy

The new edition of the European Union (EU) Blue Economy Report 2024, published on 31 May 2024, reveals a promising outlook for economic sectors based on the ocean, seas and coasts. This comprehensive analysis, published by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries and the Joint Research Centre, highlights the key role of …

Innovation and Sustainability Drive Growth in the EU Blue Economy Read More »

AquaWind will participate in the XIX National Aquaculture Congress (XIX-CNA)

AquaWind will be present at the XIX National Aquaculture Congress (XIX-CNA), which will be held from 17 to 19 June 2024 at the prestigious Alfredo Kraus Auditorium in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. This event is organised by the Spanish Aquaculture Society (SEA) in collaboration with the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC) …

AquaWind will participate in the XIX National Aquaculture Congress (XIX-CNA) Read More »

The AquaWind project organises a webinar on Multipurpose Ocean Platform Demonstrator Pilots

The AquaWind project, in collaboration with the EU project FLORA (FLOating RAdar), has organised a webinar on 20 June from 10:30 – 12:00 (CEST) focusing on Multipurpose Ocean Platform Demonstrators. This event will highlight multi-use ocean projects and market opportunities related to joint uses of the marine environment in the European Union. The webinar will …

The AquaWind project organises a webinar on Multipurpose Ocean Platform Demonstrator Pilots Read More »

AquaWind consortium partners prepare for safe and healthy operations in pilot demonstrator

Last week, consortium partners participated in a specialised Health and Safety training in a crucial step towards the launch of the AquaWind multipurpose platform pilot demonstrator. In collaboration with Quirón Prevención, the renowned PLOCAN team delivered this training, which formed part of Work Package 1. The training session gave participants essential and practical knowledge on …

AquaWind consortium partners prepare for safe and healthy operations in pilot demonstrator Read More »